Potato Chips French Fries Equipment Manufacturer In China
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How To Clean Oil Water Mixed Frying Machine

Oil Water Mixed Frying Machine
The quality of our automatic oil water mixed frying machine is reliable and the prices are reasonable. Here is the cleaning method for the fryer:
1. The first choice is to select a practical tool for cleaning the fryer: Surface active agent, corrosion inhibitor, chelating agent and so on.
2. Dilute the ratio of detergent to 1:5 (cleaning agent: water). Spray the surface of the fryer with a spray bottle or a duster and hold it for 5 minutes. Then wash with a soft brush and rinse with water. You can also dilute the product into a solution of 5-10%, and heat the inside of the frying pan for 20-30 minutes.
3. Wash with clean water afterward. If there are stubborn stains, brush with soft brush.
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