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Centrifugal Peanut Deoiling Machine For Fried Food

Centrifugal peanut deoiling machine is known as oil removing machine, which is used for removing water or oil from fried food. This machine uses mechanical centrifugal principle, through inner barrel high-speed rotation, oil or water will be flung out and into collection device.
Centrifugal Peanut Deoiling Machine Delivery
Mainly used for fruits and vegetables, such as cleaning water drain and Fried Fried after frying, is conducive to the next step in the product operation is more fast. Dehydrated deoiling machineS manufactured by GELGOOG are all made of stainless steel, fully enclosed, digital control, automatic electromagnetic brake. Operation without pile, no sports car, dehydration deoiling rate is high. 

Centrifugal Dehydration Deoiling Machine Features
1. Suspension is safe. Clutch start, accelerate easily, extending the service life of the motor. 
2. Precision measurement, smooth operation, speed can be adjusted depending on the deoiling content, in line with the centrifugal effect. Put in flat place, can be at ease use. 
Peanut Deoiling Machine for Fried Food
Supporting equipment: Flavoring machine, packaging machine, potato chips fries complete sets of equipment, garlic processing complete sets of equipment. 
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